par Jacques- » 11 Nov 2003 23:12
Extrait des infos sur la licence disponible sur le site MandrakeSoft :
<BR> # Basically, the MandrakeSecurity Multi Network Firewall (MNF) components are covered by the General Public License or similar Open Source Software licenses (see: <!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!-- BBCode auto-link end --> and <!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!-- BBCode auto-link end --> You may install, use and redistribute MNF as long as you conform to the terms of use listed on the product. The terms include conforming to the Open Source Software License (and like) for all components while also conforming to MandrakeSoft's intellectual rights and trademark protection.
<BR> # In a production environment, it is highly recommended that users purchase a Commercial License Agreement which applies to all of the product components developed by MandrakeSoft. The Commercial License Agreement provides extended guaranties for the product such as access to support and maintenance offerings and the possibility to build and redistribute a derivative product with commercial licensing.
<BR> # We advise resellers who want to resell the Multi Network Firewall product to conform to MandrakeSoft's intellectual rights and trademark protections listed in the product, or enter a redistribution agreement with MandrakeSoft before distributing the product.
<BR>L'achat est recommandé, mais non obligatoire.
<BR>Cependant, le support technique n'est peut-être pas inutile en environnement de production mais tout dépend des compétences locales.