intallation de ZENCART

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intallation de ZENCART

Messagepar spenchy » 13 Mars 2007 15:47

Slut a tous

J ai un petit soucis, j 'essaye d installer zencart sur un sem 7.1.2 quelqu un déja fait la manipe.

merci j suis a recheche d info :lol:
Messages: 2
Inscrit le: 01 Mars 2007 18:57

zen cart

Messagepar spenchy » 13 Mars 2007 15:52

Voila j ai copier le fichier compler dans /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html, puis lors de l install voila ce que j ai

/admin/includes/configure.php n'existe pas plus d'infos...
/includes/configure.php n'existe pas plus d'infos...
admin configure.php is not writeable plus d'infos...
store configure.php is not writeable plus d'infos...

System Inspection Results
Webserver = Apache

HTTP Host =

Path_Translated = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/zc_install/index.php

Server Free Disk Space = 16.22 GB

PHP API Mode = apache2handler

PHP Max Execution Time per page = 30

Register Globals = OFF

MySQL Support = ON

MySQL Version = Inconnu Click here for more info

PHP Version = 4.3.9

PHP Safe Mode = OFF

PHP open_basedir restrictions = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/

PHP Sessions Support = ON

PHP Session.AutoStart = OFF

PHP session.use_trans_sid = ON Click here for more info

PHP Session.Save_Path = /tmp -->Inaccessible en écriture Click here for more info

Suggested SQL Cache Folder = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/cache

PHP magic_quotes_runtime setting = OFF

PHP GD Support = ON

PHP ZLIB Compression Support = ON

PHP OpenSSL Support = ON

PHP cURL Support = ON

PHP Upload Support = ON upload_max_filesize=10M; post_max_size=20M

PHP Upload TMP dir =

PHP XML Support = ON

PHP FTP Support = ON

View PHPINFO for your server Other System Information (For Reference Only)
The following info does not necessarily indicate any problem or configuration issue. It is simply for the sake of displaying it in an easy-to-find location.
PHP sendmail 'from' =

PHP sendmail path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

PHP SMTP destination = localhost

File and Folder Permissions
In order for many Zen Cart™ administrative and day-to-day functions to work properly, You need to mark several files/folders "Writeable". The following is a list of folders which need to be "read-write", along with recommended CHMOD settings. Please correct these settings before continuing installation. Refresh this page in your browser to re-check settings.

Some hosts may not allow you to set CHMOD 777, but only 666. Start with the higher setting first, and switch to lower values if required.
includes/configure.php = NON TROUVE

admin/includes/configure.php = NON TROUVE

cache = OK

images = Inaccessible en écriture (chmod 777 read/write/execute (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO))

includes/languages/english/html_includes = Inaccessible en écriture (chmod 777 read/write (INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES TOO))

pub = Inaccessible en écriture (chmod 777 read/write/execute)

admin/backups = Inaccessible en écriture (chmod 777 read/write)

admin/images/graphs = Inaccessible en écriture (chmod 777 read/write/execute)

merci si quequ un c est merci de me donnée un coup de pouce, si il mieux j suis preneur

Messages: 2
Inscrit le: 01 Mars 2007 18:57

Messagepar DingO157 » 14 Mars 2007 21:10


Je pense que tu n'as pas attribué les bons droits à ton fichier d'install.
Essaie un chmod sur ton dossier ça devrait résoudre le problème.

Second Maître
Second Maître
Messages: 42
Inscrit le: 06 Mars 2006 21:07
Localisation: Marseille

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