L'installation de sme-ddclient-2.0-9.noarch.rpm sur sme-server7 ne s'est pas totalement bien déroulée. N'étant pas expert linux j'aurais besoin de conseils éclairés sur ce que je dois faire. Merci
Voici le log d'install :
[root@passerelleclub home]# rpm -Uvh sme-ddclient-2.0-9.noarch.rpm
Préparation... ########################################### [100%]
1:sme-ddclient ########################################### [100%]
Rebuilding Web Server Manager Left Panel Cache ... Can take up to a minute.
Setting defaults values in SME configuration database, if needed. Don't change any existing configuration.
Migrating existing database mailpatterns
Migrating existing database networks
Migrating existing database accounts
Migrating existing database hosts
Migrating existing database yum_available
Migrating existing database yum_installed
Migrating existing database configuration
Migrating existing database yum_repositories
Migrating existing database yum_updates
Migrating existing database spamassassin
Migrating existing database domains
Migrating existing database backups
WARNING in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration: *WARNING* esmith::config(/home/e-smith/configuration) called with old database path. The following package needs to be updated: at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/esmith/ line 374
esmith::config::TIEHASH('esmith::config', '/home/e-smith/configuration') called at /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration line 10
eval 'package esmith::__TEMPLATE__::1; ;
#line 1 /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration
use strict;
use esmith::util;
use esmith::ConfigDB;
use esmith::AccountsDB;
my $conf = esmith::ConfigDB->open() or die "Unable to open configuration db";
tie my %conf, \'esmith::config\', \'/home/e-smith/configuration\';
my $domaindb = esmith::ConfigDB->open(\'/home/e-smith/domains\')
or die "Unable to open domains db";
my $edb = esmith::ConfigDB->open(\'/home/e-smith/extras\');
unless ($edb)
$edb = esmith::ConfigDB->create(\'/home/e-smith/extras\');
# Look up domains and domain descriptions
my $key;
my @virtualDomains = ();
foreach my $domain ($domaindb->get_all_by_prop(type=>\'domain\'))
$key = $domain->key;
push (@virtualDomains, $key);
my $numDomains = @virtualDomains;
if ($numDomains > 0)
$OUT .="use=web,, web-skip=\'IP Address:\' \\n";
foreach my $dom (sort @virtualDomains)
my $edom=$edb->get($dom);
if( defined $edom )
my $dns = $edom->prop(\'dns\');
$dns =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
my $login = $edom->prop(\'login\');
my $password = $edom->prop(\'password\');
my $pubserv=\'\';
my $static=\'\';
my $custom=\'\';
my $wildcard=\'\';
my $mx=$edom->prop(\'mx\') || \'\';
my $backupmx=\'\';
my $protocol=\'\';
my $explain=\'\';
if( $dns eq \'DYNDNS1\')
$explain=\'## dynamic addresses\';
$pubserv =\'\';
elsif( $dns eq \'DYNDNS2\')
$explain=\'## dyndns.orgstatic addresses\';
$pubserv =\'\';
$static =\'yes\';
elsif( $dns eq \'DYNDNS3\')
$explain=\'## static2 addresses\';
elsif( $dns eq \'ZONEDIT\')
$explain=\'## zoneedit dynamic addresses\';
elsif( $dns eq \'EASYDNS\')
$explain=\'## dynamic addresses\';
elsif( $dns eq \'HAMMER\')
$explain=\'## hammer dynamic addresses\';
elsif( $dns eq \'DSLREPORTS\' )
$explain=\'## dynamic addresses\';
elsif( $dns eq \'EURODYNDNS\' )
$explain=\'## dynamic addresses\';
if($pubserv ne \'\')
$OUT .="##\\n";
$OUT .=$explain."\\n";
$OUT .="##\\n";
$OUT .="server=".$pubserv.", \\\\\\n";
$OUT .="protocol=".$protocol.", \\\\\\n";
if($static ne \'\') {
$OUT .="static=".$static.", \\\\\\n";
if($wildcard ne \'\') {
$OUT .="wildcard=".$wildcard.", \\\\\\n";
if($custom ne \'\') {
$OUT .="custom=".$custom.", \\\\\\n";
if ($mx ne \'\') {
$OUT .="mx=".$mx.", \\\\\\n";
$OUT .="login=".$login.", \\\\\\n";
$OUT .="password=".$password." \\\\\\n";
$OUT .=$dom."\\n";
$OUT .="##\\n";
$OUT .="##\\n";
;' called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/Text/ line 319
Text::Template::fill_in('Text::Template=HASH(0x97b3938)', 'HASH', 'ARRAY(0x9736118)', 'PACKAGE', 'esmith::__TEMPLATE__::1', 'BROKEN', 'CODE(0x97a73d8)', 'UNTAINT', 1, ...) called at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/Text/ line 382
Text::Template::fill_in_file('/etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20D...', 'HASH', 'ARRAY(0x9736118)', 'PACKAGE', 'esmith::__TEMPLATE__::1', 'BROKEN', 'CODE(0x97a73d8)', 'UNTAINT', 1, ...) called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/esmith/ line 528
esmith::templates::processTemplate('HASH(0x94fdb24)') called at /sbin/e-smith/expand-template line 45
WARNING in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration: Deprecated pathname /home/e-smith/domains passed to _file_path()
ERROR in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration: Program fragment delivered error <<Unable to open domains db at /etc/e-smith/templates-custom//etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf/20Declaration line 12.>> at template line 1
ERROR: Template processing failed for //etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf: 2 fragments generated warnings, 1 fragment generated errors
at /sbin/e-smith/expand-template line 45
Starting ddclient: WARNING: file /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf: file /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).
[root@passerelleclub home]#
Je pense qu'il faut que je reécrive des lignes de configuration mais je ne comprends pas bien dans quel fichier et ce que je dois modifier?
Merci de votre aide