IPCop AddOns

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IPCop AddOns

Messagepar sfeddersen » 26 Fév 2006 11:46


i am looking for some guys, who can translate some AddOns for me to frensh.

On my homepage you can find this AddOns :

UPS Server AddOn -> connect and control a APC UPS with your IPCop

LineTest -> automatic switching between main line and backup line, when a line is dead

GUIPorts -> simple GUI AddOn to change http and https port from the GUI

MC -> Midnight Commander

All AddOns work without the IPCop AddOn Server.

Here you can find my homepage : http://www.ipcop.h-loit.de

Thanks for your help.

Messages: 1
Inscrit le: 26 Fév 2006 11:38

Messagepar Fesch » 28 Fév 2006 19:15

Yeah, no Problem.

Do you have any files to translate immediately? Just send then by mail ... oh, und vergiss nicht $%#&! auch die deutsche Version beizulegen, dann kann ich mich wenigstens an zwei Sprachen orientieren ;)
Pourquoi lis-tu ceci???
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