par Yann » 17 Oct 2002 16:01
Correction, La Doc technique de EyesBall Chat precise :
<BR>Solution 1
<BR>The following is a technical explanation. It requires knowledge of how to set your proxy or firewall to allow specific ports.
<BR>Step 1. Enable Eyeball Chat to work with static ports. To do so download v2.2 registry patch to your desktop, locate the file and double-click it to install.
<BR>Step 2. Open the following ports in your firewall (may require assistance from your system administrator):
<BR>- UDP ports 5700, 5701 and 5702 and
<BR>- TCP ports 5500 and 5501.
<BR>Eyeball Chat should then work correctly.
"Mind is like parachute, it's only useful when open"