par elbibelo64 » 11 Fév 2004 15:02
Oups....j'ai répondu trop vite....Je regarde...2 minutes!!
<BR>....2 minutes...
<BR>Cà y est:
<BR>EXTRAIT DE "man dhcpd.leases":
<BR>The DHCP server may determine that a lease has been misused in some way, either because a client that has been assigned a lease NAKs it, or because the
<BR> server's own attempt to see if an address is in use prior to reusing it reveals that the address is in fact already in use. In that case, the abandoned
<BR> statement will be used to indicate that the lease should not be reassigned.
<BR> abandoned;
<BR> Abandoned leases are reclaimed automatically. When a client asks for a new address, and the server finds that there are no new addresses, it checks to
<BR> see if there are any abandoned leases, and allocates the least recently abandoned lease. The standard mechanisms for checking for lease address con-
<BR> flicts are still followed, so if the abandoned lease's IP address is still in use, it will be reabandoned.
<BR> If a client requests an abandoned address, the server assumes that the reason the address was abandoned was that the lease file was corrupted, and that
<BR> the client is the machine that responded when the lease was probed, causing it to be abandoned. In that case, the address is immediately assigned to
<BR> the client.
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif">