par Oxydus » 01 Août 2002 13:28
Oui j'ai bien coché "persistente connexion"
<BR>Le pb s'est reproduit ce matin, je vous recolle les logs :
<BR>Aug 1 11:10:59 BlackBox kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 731
<BR>Aug 1 11:10:59 BlackBox modem_run[55]: Error reading interrupts
<BR>Aug 1 11:10:59 BlackBox kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 734
<BR>Aug 1 11:10:59 BlackBox kernel: usb.c: USB disconnect on device 2
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:00 BlackBox pppd[1574]: No response to 10 echo-requests
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:00 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:00 BlackBox ipcop: PPP has gone down on ppp0
<BR>Ensuite, rien ne sait reconnecté non plus ( décidemment j'accumule les problèmes )
<BR>Voila la suite du log...
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Connect time 217.6 minutes.
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Sent 116644386 bytes, received 214270911 bytes.
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1577]: Error reading from pppd
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1575]: Woken by a sem_post event -> Exiting
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1575]: Write to ppp Canceled
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1575]: pusb_release_interface failed
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1575]: Exiting
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Using interface ppp0
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyp1
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1992]: PPPoA3 version 1.1 started by nobody (uid 99)
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1992]: Control thread ready
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1992]: Modem not found.
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Modem hangup
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Connection terminated.
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Using interface ppp0
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppd[1574]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyp0
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:06 BlackBox pppoa3[1993]: PPPoA3 version 1.1 started by nobody (uid 99)
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:07 BlackBox pppoa3[1993]: A previous instance seems to be running
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:07 BlackBox pppoa3[1993]: Sending the kill signal to 1992 and waiting...
<BR>Aug 1 11:16:38 BlackBox pppd[1574]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
<BR>Aug 1 11:18:07 BlackBox kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1, assigned device number 3
<BR>J'ai l'impression que le modem n'est plus reconnu pendant un moment... bref, je comprend pas trop ce qu'il essaye de faire <IMG SRC="images/smiles/icon_frown.gif">
<BR>Ce petit passage se repete sans cesse. C'est pendant ce temps que tout reste en DIALING dans la page HOME.
<BR>C'est surtout ce message que je trouve bizarre:
<BR>Aug 1 11:14:07 BlackBox pppoa3[1993]: A previous instance seems to be running
<BR>J'laisse les pros du ppp et de linux déchiffrer/comprendre tout ça... parce que moi j'vais finir à l'asile.