Chose promise, chose due !
Voici donc un résumé de ce qu'il faut faire :
Comment Installer & Configurer SystemMonitor pour SME 7.x
A ce jour de rédaction, testé avec succès avec : SME 7.4 ; 7.5 ; 7.5.1
Sur la carte mère mini-ITX utilisée (ASUS AT3GC-I), la tension de -12V n’étant pas délivrée par le bloc d’alimentation utilisé, la tension mesurée n’est donc pas fiable et sa prise en compte à donc été dévalidée dans le fichier /etc/sensors .conf.
1°/ Taper les commandes suivantes :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
# yum install rrdtool perl-rrdtool --enablerepo=smecontribs
# mkdir -p /root/_Contribs/SystemMonitor/
# cd /root/_Contribs/SystemMonitor/
# wget ""
# yum localinstall smeserver-system_monitor-1.1-1.noarch.rpm
# signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
2°/ Copier le fichier sensors.conf dans /etc puis lui attribuer les droits 0644.
3°/ Editer le fichier /etc/rc.d/rc.local (dont les droits d'accès sont 0755) pour y ajouter les lignes suivantes :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
# By HP77 - 2010-12-05@19h30_SGT
# The following 4 lines are to configure the sensors interface for
# SystemMonintor for the mother board ASUS AT3GC-I (after reboot).
modprobe i2c-isa
modprobe it87
/usr/bin/sensors -s
4°/ Vérifier que le panneau SystemMonitor apparaît bien dans le menu de ServerManager
5°/ Redémarrer le serveur pour vérifier que tout se passe bien.
Pour éviter de redémarrer deux fois le serveur, on peut aussi s'occuper des des fichiers /etc/sensors.conf et /etc/rc.d/rc.local avant même de s'occuper de l'installation de SystemMonitor.
Jusqu'à preuve du contraire (pas essayer non plus), ce sont deux "processus" de configuration / installation indépendants.
La dépendance venant plus tard, à l'usage.
Sources / Références
- System Monitor pour SME Server
- SME 7.4 + Surveillance Température - [Résolu]
- ... /materiel/
Sur ce, je vous souhaite une bonne soirée !
Pour prévenir d'éventuelles nouvelles avaries sur mon serveur (j'espère pas mais vu comment l'humidité s'en prend au matériel... ), je me permets donc de coller ici le contenu des fichiers utiles :
- Mon fichier rc.local (il sert à "automatiser" le chargement des modules nécessaires à la gestions des capteurs (= "sensors") mais si vous connaissez une méthode plus propre, je suis preneur !! )
- Code: Tout sélectionner
# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
# By HP77 - 2010-12-05@19h30_SGT
# The following 4 lines are to configure the sensors interface for
# SystemMonintor for the mother board ASUS AT3GC-I (after reboot).
modprobe i2c-isa
modprobe it87
/usr/bin/sensors -s
- Mon fichier sensors.conf tout dégoûtant... (je suis sûr et certain que l'on peut faire plus propre encore mais, là, pas trop le temps. Je ré-éditerais la "chose" plus tard)
- Code: Tout sélectionner
# Sensors configuration file used by 'libsensors'
# #
# #
# The 'set' lines (generally for min and max values) #
# do not take effect until you run 'sensors -s' as root !!! #
# We suggest you put 'sensors -s' in a /etc/rc.d/... file #
# to be run at boot time after the modules are inserted !!! #
# #
# --------
# This configuration file will be used by all userspace applications
# linked to libsensors. It is NOT used by the lm_sensors drivers directly.
# This config file consists of two parts: the heavily commented LM78
# example, and the real parts. Search for '####' if you want to skip
# to the real stuff.
# Hash marks introduce comments, which continue until the end of a line
# Identifiers consisting of only digits and letters can be used
# unquoted; other identifiers must be quoted. Escape characters within
# quotes operate like those in C.
# ----------
# A 'chip' line specifies what the following 'label', 'compute', 'set' and
# 'ignore' lines refer to. In this case, until the
# next 'chip' line, everything refers to all lm78, lm78-j and lm79
# chips. Other examples are *-isa-* for everything on the ISA bus, and
# lm78-j-i2c-*-4e for all lm78-j chips on address 0x4e of any I2C bus.
# If more chip statements match a specific chip, they are all considered.
# Later lines overrule earlier lines, so if you set the in0 label for
# lm78-* to "This", and later on the in0 label for lm78-isa-* to "That",
# "That" is used for LM78 chips on the ISA bus, and "This" for LM78
# chips on a non-ISA bus.
# chip "lm78-*" "lm78-j-*" "lm79-*"
# -------------
# Feature names are used in 'label', 'compute', 'set', and 'ignore' lines.
# Example feature names are 'in0', 'temp2', 'in3_min', and 'temp3_over'.
# These features are defined for each chip in lib/chips.c.
# Undefined features will be silently ignored in 'label' and 'compute' lines.
# Undefined features in 'set' lines will result in 'Unknonw feature name'
# when running 'sensors -s'.
# Unfortunately, feature names starting with a number must be in
# double quotes or you get 'parse error, expecting 'NAME''.
# If you have trouble, verify the features in lib/chips.c!!!
# -----------
# A label line describes what a certain feature stands for on your
# mainboard. Programs can retrieve these names and display them.
# If no label is specified for a certain feature, the default name
# (ie. 'fan1' for fan1) is used.
# If you specify a label for in1, this label is also used for in1_min and
# in1_max, unless they have their own labels declared. There are several
# of these logical groups.
# These are as advised in the LM78 and LM79 data sheets, and used on most
# boards we have seen.
# label in0 "VCore 1"
# label in1 "VCore 2"
# label in2 "+3.3V"
# label in3 "+5V"
# label in4 "+12V"
# label in5 "-12V"
# label in6 "-5V"
# -------------
# A compute line describes how to scale a certain feature. There are
# two expressions in it: the first describes how the /proc value must
# be translated to a user value, the second how a user value must be
# translated to a /proc value. '@' is the value to operate on. You may
# refer to other readable features (like '2 * vid').
# The following operators are valid: + - * / ( ) ^ `
# ^ is e**x and ` is ln(x) (valid in library version 2.0.0 /
# lm_sensors 2.8.0 or higher)
# Like for the label statement, there are logical groups here. They are
# sometimes a bit different, though. For example, fan1_div is in the
# logical label group of fan1 (it gets the same label if none is declared
# for it), but it is not in the compute group of fan1 (as it uses a
# completely different system of values).
# ---------------------------
# Most voltage sensors in sensor chips have a range of 0 to 4.096 Volts.
# This is generally sufficient for the 3.3 and CPU (2.5V, for example)
# supply voltages, so the sensor chip reading is the actual voltage.
# Other supply voltages must be scaled with an external resistor network.
# The chip driver generally reports the 'raw' value 0 - 4.09 V, and the
# userspace application must convert this raw value to an actual voltage.
# The 'compute' lines provide this facility.
# Unfortunately the resistor values vary among motherboard types.
# Therefore you may have to adjust the computations in this file
# to match your motherboard.
# For positive voltages (in3, in4), two resistors are used, with the following
# formula (R1,R2: resistor values, Vs: read voltage, Vin: pin voltage)
# R1 = R2 * (Vs/Vin - 1)
# For negative voltages (in5, in6) two resistors are used, with the following
# formula (Rin,Rf: resistor values, Vs: read voltage, Vin: pin voltage)
# Rin = (Vs * Rf) / Vin
# Note: Some chips use a different formula, see it87 section for example.
# Here are the official LM78 and LM79 data sheet values.
# Vs R1,Rin R2,Rf Vin
# in3 +5.0 6.8 10 +2.98
# in4 +12.0 30 10 +3.00
# in5 -12.0 240 60 +3.00
# in6 -5.0 100 60 +3.00
# These would lead to these declarations:
# compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
# compute in4 ((30/10)+1)*@ , @/((30/10)+1)
# compute in5 -(240/60)*@ , -@/(240/60)
# compute in6 -(100/60)*@ , -@/(100/60)
# On almost any mainboard we have seen, the Winbond compute values lead to
# much better results, though.
# Vs R1,Rin R2,Rf Vin
# in4 +12.0 28 10 +3.00
# in5 -12.0 210 60.4 +3.00
# in6 -5.0 90.9 60.4 +3.00
# These leads to these declarations:
# compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
# compute in4 ((28/10)+1)*@ , @/((28/10)+1)
# compute in5 -(210/60.4)*@ , -@/(210/60.4)
# compute in6 -(90.9/60.4)*@ , -@/(90.9/60.4)
# ---------
# Set statements set things like limits. Complete expressions can be
# used. Not everything can sensibly be set: setting 'in0', for example,
# is impossible! These settings are put through the compute translations;
# so if we specify '12.8' for in6, '3.2' will actually be written!
# Important note: In the 'sensors' program, these only take effect
# after running 'sensors -s'!!!
# Here are some examples:
# set in0_max vid*1.05
# set in0_min vid*0.95
# set temp1_over 40
# set temp1_hyst 37
# Think of tempx_over as 'alarm set' and tempx_hyst as 'alarm clear'
# thresholds. In most cases the 'over' value should be higher than
# the 'hyst' value by several degrees.
# ------------
# Ignore statements tell certain features are not wanted. User programs can
# still read them if they really want, though; this is just an advisory
# marking. 'in0' would also invalidate 'in0_max' and 'in0_min'.
# 'ignore' does not disable anything in the actual sensor chip; it
# simply advises the user program to not access that data.
# ignore in0
# ---------------
# Statements can go in any order, EXCEPT that some statements depend
# on others. Dependencies could be either in the library or the driver.
# A 'compute' statement must go before a 'set' statement
# for the same feature or else the 'set' won't be computed correctly.
# This is a library dependency.
# A 'set fan1_div' statement must go before a 'set fan1_min' statement,
# because the driver uses the divisor in calculating the minimum.
# Also, one should set vrm prior to using vid in any formula.
# ---------
# There is one other feature: the 'bus' statement. An example is below.
# bus "i2c-0" "SMBus PIIX4 adapter at e800" "Non-I2C SMBus adapter"
# If we refer from now on to 'i2c-0' in 'chip' lines, this will run-time
# be matched to this bus. So even if the PIIX4 is called 'i2c-5' at that
# moment, because five other adapters were detected first, 'i2c-0' in
# the config file would always only match this physical bus. In the above
# config file, this feature is not needed; but the next lines would
# only affect the LM75 chips on the PIIX4 adapter:
# chip "lm75-i2c-0-*"
# You should really use the output of /proc/bus/chips to generate bus lines,
# because one mistyped characted will inhibit the match. Wildcards are not
# yet supported; spaces at the end are ignored, though.
# -----
# Some chips support alarms with beep warnings. When an alarm is triggered
# you can be warned by a beeping signal through your computer speaker. It
# is possible to enable beeps for all alarms on a chip using the following
# line:
# set beep_enable 1
# or disable them using:
# set beep_enable 0
#### Here begins the real configuration file
chip "it87-*"
# The values below have been tested on Asus CUSI, CUM motherboards.
# Voltage monitors as advised in the It8705 data sheet
## Commented by HP77
## label in0 "VCore 1"
## label in1 "VCore 2"
label in0 "VCore"
ignore in1
label in2 "+3.3V"
label in3 "+5V"
label in4 "+12V"
label in5 "-12V"
label in6 "-5V"
label in7 "Stdby"
label in8 "VBat"
## Commented by HP77
set in0_min 1.15 * 0.95 ## set in0_min 1.5 * 0.95
set in0_max 1.15 * 1.05 ## set in0_max 1.5 * 1.05
set in1_min 2.4
set in1_max 2.6
set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95
set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05
set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95
set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05
set in4_min 12 * 0.95
set in4_max 12 * 1.05
set in5_max -12 * 0.95
set in5_min -12 * 1.05
set in6_max -5 * 0.95
set in6_min -5 * 1.05
set in7_min 5 * 0.95
set in7_max 5 * 1.05
#the chip does not support in8 min/max
# vid is not monitored by IT8705F
# and is not supported by driver at this time
ignore vid
compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
## compute in4 ((30/10) +1)*@ , @/((30/10) +1)
## looks good compute in4 ((56/10) +1)*@ , @/((56/10) +1)
compute in4 ((54/10) +1)*@ , @/((54/10) +1)
# For this family of chips the negative voltage equation is different from
# the lm78. The chip uses two external resistor for scaling but one is
# tied to a positive reference voltage. See ITE8705/12 datasheet (SIS950
# data sheet is wrong)
# Vs = (1 + Rin/Rf) * Vin - (Rin/Rf) * Vref.
# Vref = 4.096 volts, Vin is voltage measured, Vs is actual voltage.
# The next two are negative voltages (-12 and -5).
# The following formulas must be used. Unfortunately the datasheet
# does not give recommendations for Rin, Rf, but we can back into
# them based on a nominal +2V input to the chip, together with a 4.096V Vref.
# Formula:
# actual V = (Vmeasured * (1 + Rin/Rf)) - (Vref * (Rin/Rf))
# For -12V input use Rin/Rf = 6.68
# For -5V input use Rin/Rf = 3.33
# Then you can convert the forumula to a standard form like:
## compute in5 (7.67 * @) - 27.36 , (@ + 27.36) / 7.67
## compute in5 ( (1 + 100/7.5) * @) - 4.096 * 100 / 7.5 , @*1
compute in5 ( (1 + 54/10) * @) - 4.096 * 54 / 10 , @*1
## compute in6 (4.33 * @) - 13.64 , (@ + 13.64) / 4.33
## compute in6 ( (1 + 100/10) * @) - 4.096 * 75 / 10 , (@ / (1 + 75/10) ) + 4.096 / 75 * 10)
# compute in5 @ , @ ## for test by HP77
# compute in6 @ , @ ## for test by HP77
ignore in6
compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
# Temperature
# Important - if your temperature readings are completely whacky
# you probably need to change the sensor type.
# Adujst and uncomment the appropriate lines below.
# The old method (modprobe it87 temp_type=0xXX) is no longer supported.
# 2 = thermistor; 3 = thermal diode; 0 = unused
# set sensor1 3
# set sensor2 3
# set sensor3 3
# If a given sensor isn't used, you will probably want to ignore it
# (see ignore statement right below).
label temp1 "M/B Temp"
set temp1_over 40
set temp1_low 15
label temp2 "CPU Temp"
set temp2_over 45
set temp2_low 15
# ignore temp3
label temp3 "Temp3"
set temp3_over 45
set temp3_low 15
# The A7V8X-X has temperatures inverted, and needs a conversion for
# CPU temp. Thanks to Preben Randhol for the formula.
# label temp1 "CPU Temp"
# label temp2 "M/B Temp"
# compute temp1 (-15.096+1.4893*@), (@+15.096)/1.4893
# The A7V600 also has temperatures inverted, and needs a different
# conversion for CPU temp. Thanks to Dariusz Jaszkowski for the formula.
# label temp1 "CPU Temp"
# label temp2 "M/B Temp"
# compute temp1 (@+128)/3, (3*@-128)
# Fans
## Commented by HP77
## set fan1_min 0
## set fan2_min 3000
set fan1_min 6000
set fan2_min 4500
# ignore fan3
set fan3_min 3000
## by HP77 :
# Voltage
ignore in5
# Temperature
ignore temp1
label temp2 "CPU Temp"
ignore temp3
# Fans
# set fan1_min 3000
# ignore fan2
ignore fan3
Un petit apperçu de ce que répond la commande # sensors :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
[root@sme7.5.1_home ~]sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
VCore: +1.09 V (min = +1.09 V, max = +1.20 V) ALARM
+3.3V: +3.31 V (min = +3.14 V, max = +3.47 V)
+5V: +5.00 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V)
+12V: +11.67 V (min = +11.37 V, max = +12.60 V)
Stdby: +4.89 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V)
VBat: +3.30 V
fan1: 0 RPM (min = 5973 RPM, div = 2) ALARM
fan2: 5357 RPM (min = 4500 RPM, div = 2)
CPU Temp: +36°C (low = +15°C, high = +45°C) sensor = diode
[root@sme7.5.1_home ~]#
Les "drapeaux" 'ALARM' ne semblent pas traités par le système car ne semble pas poser de problème.
- VCore est à la limite basse
- l'une des entrées de mesure de vitesse des ventilateurs n'est pas raccordée.