Cela fait qq jours que je me bat avec un LCD récalcitrant, mais n'arrive pas à lui faire cracher le moindre caractère.
J'ai une install d'IPCop 1.4.21 toute fraiche et je tente de faire fonctionner lcdproc trouvé ici.
Quelqu'un aurait il déjà fait fonctionné le même engin?
Je pense que mon soucis vient de la déclaration du port série et du type de connexion...
Voici mon fichier LCDd.conf:
- Code: Tout sélectionner
## Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server ##
# Tells the driver to bind to the given interface
# Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.
# Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).
# Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? Default: no
# Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.
# User to run as. LCDd will drop its root priviledges,
# if any, and run as this user instead.
# If yes, the the serverscreen will be rotated as a usual info screen. If no,
# it will be a background screen, only visible when no other screens are
# active.
# The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.
# Where can we find the driver modules ?
# IMPORTANT: Make sure to change this setting to reflect your
# specific setup! Otherwise LCDd won't be able to find
# the driver modules and will thus not be able to
# function properly.
# NOTE: Always place a slash as last character !
# GoodBye message: each entry represents a display line; default: builtin
GoodBye="Thanks for using "
GoodBye="LCDproc for IPCop "
GoodBye="The bad packets and "
GoodBye="LCDd stop now! ;-) "
# The "...Key=" lines define what the server does with keypresses that
# don't go to any client.
# These are the defaults:
# If you have only 4 keys, you can choose to use this:
# If you have only 3 keys, you can choose to use this:
## The menu section. The menu is an internal LCDproc client. ##
# You can configure what keys the menu should use. Note that the MenuKey
# will be reserved exclusively, the others work in shared mode.
# The following works excellent with 4 keys or more.
# If you have 6 keys you may define these as well
# If you have only 3 keys, you could use something like this:
## Hitachi HD44780 driver ##
# Select what type of connection. See documentation for types.
# Possible connection Types are:
# 4bit, 8bit, winamp, serialLpt, picanlcd, lcdserializer, los-panel, vdr-lcd, vdr-wakeup, pertelian, bwctusb, lcd2usb, lis2, i2c
ConnectionType= picanlcd
# Specify the address of the parallel port the LCD is connected to.
# Common values for PORT are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC. If not given, the default is 0x378.
#Port= 0x378
# If you are using a serial connection, you must set this parameter to the device your LCD is connected to.
# For example, if the display is connected to the first serial port, you have to set it to /dev/ttyS0. The default value is /dev/lcd.
Device= /dev/ttyS1
# Bitrate of the serial port (0 for interface default)
# If you have a keypad connected.
# You may also need to configure the keypad layout further on in this file.
# set the initial contrast (for bwctusb only) [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
# If you have a switchable backlight.
# If you have the additional output port ("bargraph") and you want to
# be able to control it with the lcdproc OUTPUT command
# Specifies if the last line is pixel addressable or it controls an
# underline effect. [default: true (= pixel addressable); legal: yes, no]
# Specifies the size of the LCD.
# In case of multiple combined displays, this should be the total size.
# For multiple combined displays: how many lines does each display have.
# Vspan=2,2 means both displays have 2 lines.
# If you have an HD66712, a KS0073 or an other 'almost HD44780-compatible',
# set this flag to get into extended mode (4-line linear).
# This flag is NOT the old obsolete Extended option.
# Character map to to map ISO-8859-1 to the LCD's character set
# [default: hd44780_default; legal: hd44780_default, ea_ks0073, sed1278f_0b ]
# If your display is slow and cannot keep up with the flow of data from
# LCDd, garbage can appear on the LCDd. Set this delay factor to 2 or 4
# to increase the delays. Default: 1.
# Some displays (e.g. vdr-wakeup) need a message from the driver to that it
# is still alive. When set to a value bigger then null the character in the
# upper left corner is updated every <KeepAliveDisplay> seconds. Default: 0.
# If you experience occasional garbage on your display you can use this
# option as workaround. If set to a value bigger than null it forces a
# full screen refresh <RefreshDiplay> seconds. Default: 0.
# You can reduce the inserted delays by setting this to false.
# On fast PCs it is possible your LCD does not respond correctly.
# Default: true.
# If you have a keypad you can assign keystrings to the keys.
# See documentation for used terms and how to wire it.
# For example to give directly connected key 4 the string "Enter", use:
# KeyDirect_4=Enter
# For matrix keys use the X and Y coordinates of the key:
# KeyMatrix_1_3=Enter
Au lancement de lcdstart, pas de message d'erreur, le serveur se lance bien.
Pareil pour lcdproc qui démarre sans broncher, mais rien sur l'afficheur qui ne bouge... Mystère...
Toute information serait la bienvenue.
Merci d'avance