j'ai installé postfix, amavis, clamav et tout marche bien
j'ai installé spamassassin, j'ai mis enabled=1 et lorsque j'envoie un mail avec n'importe quel mot j'arrive à des scores de -2.8 quasiment tout le tps, peut importe ce que je mette dans le mail.
Pas moyen de comprendre pourquoi !
dans le debug, j'ai "config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: ENABLED=1 " meme si je simplifie le fichier de configuration de spamassassin.
j'ai jsute fait une install par défaut de spamassassin et j'ai des erreurs.
merci à tous pour votre aide.
pour vous aider, je laisse les infos que j'ai :
Dans spamassassin, je regarde /etc/spamassassin/local.cf et j'ai :
# pour etre considéré comme du spam
required_hits 5.0
# Change the subject of suspected spam
rewrite_header subject *****SPAM*****
# Encapsulate spam in an attachment (0=no, 1=yes, 2=safe)
report_safe 1
# Change to one to enable spamd
#On utilise le filtre bayesien
use_bayes 1
# Enable Bayes auto-learning
bayes_auto_learn 1
# j'ai des soucis pour l'instant donc j'ai mis learn à zéro mais après je décommenterai les 3 lignes
#bayes_auto_learn 1 #Il apprends seul ce qui est spam et ce qui ne l'est pas
#bayes_auto_learn_thershold_spam 10 #Il faut un score de 10 pour qu'il apprenne que le message est un spam
#bayes_auto_learn_thershold_nonspam 2 #Il faut un score inférieur à 2 pour qu'il apprenne que le message n'est pas un spam
#On désactive l'autoWhiteList
use_auto_whitelist 0
# Activer toutes les vérifications de réseaux
skip_rbl_checks 0
# Le courrier utilisant une langue de l'un de ces pays ne sera pas
# marqué comme étant du spam dans une langue étrangère.
# - français, anglais
ok_languages fr en
#On n'utilise pas les outils razor, dcc et pyzor
skip_rbl_checks 0
use_razor2 0
use_dcc 0
use_pyzor 0
#Config via amavis, et petits reglages...
razor_config /var/lib/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
bayes_path /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes
auto_whitelist_path /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist
whitelist_from administrateur@bryangarnier.fr
lock_method flock
bayes_auto_expire 0
#On effectue quelques reglages de score pour des regles
score CUM_SHOT 7.0
je m'envoie un mail en mettant "CUM_SHOT" en sujet et dans le body résultat je reçois le mail comme de rien n'était.
je fais mail mon_adresse_mail@mon_domain.fr
et je reçois le mail avec en en tete :
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-2.8 tagged_above=-999.0 required=6.3
pour information, je n'ai rien mis dans /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/
et il y a un fichier /etc/spamassassin/init.pre auquel je n'ai rien touché
Le débogage :
je fais spamassassin --lint --debug
et j'ai :
debug: SpamAssassin version 3.0.3
debug: Score set 0 chosen.
debug: running in taint mode? yes
debug: Running in taint mode, removing unsafe env vars, and resetting PATH
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/local/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/sbin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/bin', keeping.
debug: PATH included '/usr/bin/X11', which doesn't exist, dropping.
debug: Final PATH set to: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
debug: diag: module not installed: DBI ('require' failed)
debug: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.808
debug: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.10
debug: diag: module installed: IO::Socket::UNIX, version 1.21
debug: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.04
debug: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.48
debug: diag: module not installed: Net::LDAP ('require' failed)
debug: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent ('require' failed)
debug: diag: module installed: Storable, version 2.12
debug: diag: module not installed: URI ('require' failed)
debug: ignore: using a test message to lint rules
debug: using "/etc/spamassassin/init.pre" for site rules init.pre
debug: config: read file /etc/spamassassin/init.pre
debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/10_misc.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_anti_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_body_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_compensate.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_dnsbl_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_drugs.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_fake_helo_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_head_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_html_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_meta_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_phrases.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_porn.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_ratware.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/20_uri_tests.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/23_bayes.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_body_tests_es.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_hashcash.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_spf.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/25_uribl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_de.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_fr.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_nl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/30_text_pl.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/50_scores.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist.cf
debug: config: read file /usr/share/spamassassin/65_debian.cf
debug: using "/etc/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: config: read file /etc/spamassassin/local.cf
debug: using "/root/.spamassassin" for user state dir
debug: using "/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs" for user prefs file
debug: config: read file /root/.spamassassin/user_prefs
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620)
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x8c2319c)
debug: plugin: loading Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF from @INC
debug: plugin: registered Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40)
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620) implements 'parse_config'
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x8c2319c) implements 'parse_config'
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: ENABLED=1
warning: description for REMOVE_PAGE is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_WEBMAIL_END_NUMS6 is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule DNS_FROM_RFCI_DSN
warning: description for MAILTO_SUBJ_REMOVE is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUBJ_ILLEGAL_CHARS is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_4 is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_MAPS_DUL is over 50 chars
warning: description for PORN_15 is over 50 chars
warning: description for MAILTO_TO_SPAM_ADDR is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OPM_WINGATE
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX is over 50 chars
warning: description for DCC_CHECK is over 50 chars
warning: description for UNDISC_RECIPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for X_MSMAIL_PRIORITY_HIGH is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_48_96 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_MUA_OIMO is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_MUA_EUDORA is over 50 chars
warning: description for SOME_BREAKTHROUGH is over 50 chars
warning: description for RATWARE_EGROUPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for GAPPY_SUBJECT is over 50 chars
warning: description for URI_IS_POUND is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_60 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_QUALCOMM_TAGS is over 50 chars
warning: description for MULTI_FORGED is over 50 chars
warning: description for MICRO_CAP_WARNING is over 50 chars
warning: description for MAILTO_TO_REMOVE is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID is over 50 chars
warning: description for NONEXISTENT_CHARSET is over 50 chars
warning: description for LOTS_OF_STUFF is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_06_12 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FREE_PREVIEW is over 50 chars
warning: description for RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_3 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BANKRUPTCY is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_MAPS_RBL is over 50 chars
warning: description for BILL_1618 is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_12 is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR
warning: description exists for non-existent rule HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_02
warning: description for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04 is over 50 chars
warning: description for MILLION_USD is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_20 is over 50 chars
warning: description for RATWARE_HASH_2_V2 is over 50 chars
warning: description for ROUND_THE_WORLD is over 50 chars
warning: description for FULL_REFUND is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_HEADER_CTYPE_ONLY is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_40 is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUBJ_YOUR_DEBT is over 50 chars
warning: description for REMOVE_POSTAL is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_12_24 is over 50 chars
warning: description for START_NOW_CAPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_NO_USER is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_BOUND_RKFINDY is over 50 chars
warning: description for BODY_ENHANCEMENT2 is over 50 chars
warning: description for CANNOT_BE_SPAM is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_12_24 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BEST_PORN is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_6 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_JUNO_RCVD is over 50 chars
warning: description for PLING_QUERY is over 50 chars
warning: description for PRIORITY_NO_NAME is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_FAKE_HELO_DOTCOM is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OPM_ROUTER
warning: description for BAYES_00 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BODY_ENHANCEMENT is over 50 chars
warning: description for TO_NO_USER is over 50 chars
warning: description for UNCLAIMED_MONEY is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_19 is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_WEB_BUGS is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_NUM_AT_WEBMAIL is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_AND_TO_SAME is over 50 chars
warning: description for MISSING_MIMEOLE is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_MUA_IMS is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_24_48 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BARGAIN_URL is over 50 chars
warning: description for RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_REMOVE is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_99 is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_DSBL is over 50 chars
warning: description for RATWARE_HASH_2 is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_BSP_TRUSTED is over 50 chars
warning: description for RAZOR2_CHECK is over 50 chars
warning: description for ADDR_NUMS_AT_BIGSITE is over 50 chars
warning: description for HEAD_ILLEGAL_CHARS is over 50 chars
warning: description for RICH is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_05 is over 50 chars
warning: description for GUARANTEED_100_PERCENT is over 50 chars
warning: description for CELL_PHONE_IMPROVE is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_TELESP_RCVD is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OPM_SOCKS
warning: description for NO_DNS_FOR_FROM is over 50 chars
warning: description for NO_REAL_NAME is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 is over 50 chars
warning: description for UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUBJ_AS_SEEN is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_AOL_RCVD is over 50 chars
warning: description for WHY_WAIT is over 50 chars
warning: description for INVALID_DATE_TZ_ABSURD is over 50 chars
warning: description for USERPASS is over 50 chars
warning: description for TO_ADDRESS_EQ_REAL is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_BOUND_NEXTPART is over 50 chars
warning: description for HABEAS_INFRINGER is over 50 chars
warning: description for TO_EMPTY is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_BASE64_BLANKS is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_NO_LOWER is over 50 chars
warning: description for YOU_WON is over 50 chars
warning: description for OBSCURED_EMAIL is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_FONT_FACE_CAPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_12 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_HAS_ULINE_NUMS is over 50 chars
warning: description for WE_HONOR_ALL is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_08 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK is over 50 chars
warning: description for RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_48_96 is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_10 is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_10
warning: description for MIME_BOUND_DIGITS_7 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_50 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FREE_SAMPLE is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OPM_HTTP
warning: description for WITH_LC_SMTP is over 50 chars
warning: description for PREST_NON_ACCREDITED is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_7 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BEEN_TURNED_DOWN is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_HTML_ONLY is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_24_48 is over 50 chars
warning: description for SORTED_RECIPS is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule RCVD_IN_OPM_HTTP_POST
warning: description for PORN_16 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FREE_ACCESS is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_BSP_OTHER is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_96_XX is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_EUDORAMAIL_RCVD is over 50 chars
warning: description for FAKED_UNDISC_RECIPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_PAST_06_12 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_80 is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_BOUND_MANY_HEX is over 50 chars
warning: description for ROUND_THE_WORLD_LOCAL is over 50 chars
warning: description for OBFUSCATING_COMMENT is over 50 chars
warning: description for SEDUCTION is over 50 chars
warning: description for MARKETING_PARTNERS is over 50 chars
warning: description for DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06 is over 50 chars
warning: description for AOL_USERS_LINK is over 50 chars
warning: description for NO_PURCHASE is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_FONT_INVISIBLE is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_MAPS_NML is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUSPICIOUS_RECIPS is over 50 chars
warning: description for US_DOLLARS_3 is over 50 chars
warning: description for BE_BOSS is over 50 chars
warning: description for NO_OBLIGATION is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_06 is over 50 chars
warning: description exists for non-existent rule HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_06
warning: description for EXCUSE_10 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT is over 50 chars
warning: description for FROM_ALL_NUMS is over 50 chars
warning: description for SUBJ_BUY is over 50 chars
warning: description for SELECTED_YOU is over 50 chars
warning: description for BAYES_95 is over 50 chars
warning: description for NIGERIAN_SUBJECT2 is over 50 chars
warning: description for FORGED_MUA_MOZILLA is over 50 chars
warning: description for RATWARE_JPFREE is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_23 is over 50 chars
warning: description for HIDE_WIN_STATUS is over 50 chars
warning: description for EXCUSE_24 is over 50 chars
warning: description for RCVD_IN_MAPS_RSS is over 50 chars
warning: description for HTML_EVENT_UNSAFE is over 50 chars
warning: description for MONEY_BACK is over 50 chars
warning: description for MIME_SUSPECT_NAME is over 50 chars
warning: description for COPY_ACCURATELY is over 50 chars
debug: bayes: 1809 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
debug: bayes: 1809 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
debug: bayes: found bayes db version 3
debug: bayes: Not available for scanning, only 0 spam(s) in Bayes DB < 200
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing db_toks
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing db_seen
debug: Score set 1 chosen.
debug: ---- MIME PARSER START ----
debug: main message type: text/plain
debug: parsing normal part
debug: added part, type: text/plain
debug: ---- MIME PARSER END ----
debug: bayes: 1809 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
debug: bayes: 1809 tie-ing to DB file R/O /var/lib/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes_seen
debug: bayes: found bayes db version 3
debug: bayes: Not available for scanning, only 0 spam(s) in Bayes DB < 200
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing db_toks
debug: bayes: 1809 untie-ing db_seen
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
debug: decoding: no encoding detected
debug: Loading languages file...
debug: Language possibly: en,sco
debug: metadata: X-Languages: en sco
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620) implements 'parsed_metadata'
debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
debug: Net::DNS version: 0.48
debug: trying (3) apache.org...
debug: looking up NS for 'apache.org'
debug: NS lookup of apache.org succeeded => Dns available (set dns_available to hardcode)
debug: is DNS available? 1
debug: URIDNSBL: domains to query:
debug: all '*From' addrs: ignore@compiling.spamassassin.taint.org
debug: Running tests for priority: 0
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_double_spend (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x8c2319c))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_pass (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_hashcash_value (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash=HASH(0x8c2319c))
debug: all '*To' addrs:
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_softfail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: SPF: message was delivered entirely via trusted relays, not required
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_pass (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_softfail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_fail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: registering glue method for check_for_spf_helo_fail (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF=HASH(0x8c01f40))
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-2.623
debug: running uri tests; score so far=-2.623
debug: registering glue method for check_uridnsbl (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620))
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620) implements 'check_tick'
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-2.623
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=-2.623
debug: DCCifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found.
debug: Running tests for priority: 500
debug: RBL: success for 1 of 1 queries
debug: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL=HASH(0x857f620) implements 'check_post_dnsbl'
debug: running meta tests; score so far=-2.623
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running uri tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: Running tests for priority: 1000
debug: running meta tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running uri tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=-1.053
debug: is spam? score=-1.053 required=5
lint: 171 issues detected. please rerun with debug enabled for more information.
Merci d'avance