Bonjour à tous.
Quelqu'un as t'il déja installé SugarCRM sur une SME ?
Pour l'installation des fichiers pas de soucis, mais page blanche au lancement.
Donc, impossibilité de configurer mon Sugar !
Conseils bienvenus
Modérateur: modos Ixus
(BETA For SME 7 untested on any other version not really tested on V7 - Please help me fill in the many blanks)
Documentation is here:
Installation help here:
Please consider supporting this open source project financially.
Using the Server-Manager, create an I-Bay called crm. An appropriate description would be vTiger CRM.
Change MySQL configuration to allow network access:
# /sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop mysqld LocalNetworkingOnly no
# /sbin/e-smith/signal-event bootstrap-console-save
Look at the /etc/my.cnf file to verify the changes:
# cat /etc/my.cnf |grep networking
Test the changes if you wish to make sure MySQL is available:
# telnet localhost 3306
A connection should open, then close shortly.
# cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/crm/files
(all one line – get the latest version)
# unzip
# mv vtiger_crm/* ../html/
Reset all the file permissions
Using a web browser, open the Server-Manager and go to the I-Bays web panel. Click to modify the new 'crm' I-Bay,
then just click save without changing anything.
# wget
.x/smeserver-phpmyadmin-2.6.2-2dmay.noarch.rpm (all one line)
# rpm -Uvh smeserver-phpmyadmin-2.6.2-2dmay.noarch.rpm
Using a web browser, browse to your server (using SSL) and open phpMyAdmin.
Create a new database named 'vtigercrm'.
Create a new user called 'vtiger' and give it a password you won't forget. Give 'vtiger' full privileges only to the
'vtigercrm' database.
# vi /home/e-smith/files/ibays/crm/html/install/2setConfig.php
Change the following:
$db_name = 'vtigercrm';
Save and exit.
# vi /home/e-smith/files/ibays/crm/html.connection.php
Change the following:
$mysql_username = 'vtiger';
$mysql_password = 'your-password-here';
$mysql_port = '3306';
$apache_port = '';
Save and exit.
# yum install gd
Using a web browser, go to the new I-Bay on your server:
You will want to specify a new admin password.
Log in as admin, click settings, then create users.
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