Erf, la recherche n'est pas ton fort ?
Peer cache servers and Squid hierarchy
The parameters described in this section are relevant when there is a Squid hierarchy in the network (i.e. more than one Squid instance running in the network with well-defined rules regarding which instance talks to which other instance, and so forth). Parameters of interest here are: number of cache servers, type of configuration (which instance communicates with which instance(s)), defining the primary cache server, mapping of specific domains to specific cache server instances, Timeouts, specification of objects that should not be cached locally etc. Relevant parameters covered by this section are:
icp_query_timeout (msec)
maximum_icp_query_timeout (msec)
mcast_icp_query_timeout (msec)
dead_peer_timeout (seconds)
Ok, allons-y !
-> Name cache_peer
Usage cache_peer hostname type http_port icp_port options
This tag is used to specify the other caches in the hierarchy. The cache_peer option is split into five fields. The first field is the hostname or IP of the cache that is to be queried. The second field indicates the type of relationship. The third field sets the HTTP port of the destination server, while the fourth sets the ICP (UDP) query port. The fifth field can contain zero or more keywords. Here are the detailed explanations on each field. See cache_peer_access also.
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Pour info, squid est peut-etre le logiciel le mieux documenté que je connaisse.
Alors dire que l'on ne trouve rien après une semaine !!
One hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong...