Gros provlème de processus

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Gros provlème de processus

Messagepar cesar la fougere » 17 Nov 2004 00:10

Bonjour a tous je vous envoie ce topic car mon ordinateur a un lêger probleme qui est assez conséquent.Quand je vais dans le getionnaire de taches onglet processus, en bas est marqué charge dédié. La mémoire utilisée par mon ordinateur est souvent au alentour de 750 mo ce qui le fait swaper pourtant en additionnant la mémoire utilisé par chaque processus je trouve 350mo, das l'onglet suivant,performances, est a nouveau marqué la mémoire utilisé et la surprise il est marqué 350mo pourtant le graphique au dessus est a 750!!
Comment faire pour retrouver ma mémoire sachant que se probleme occasionne un fort ralentissement de l'ordinateur occasionelement et qu'il me fait méchament laguer sur CS.
mErci de me répondre.
cesar la fougere
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2004 11:52

Messagepar Henki » 18 Nov 2004 03:21

Voici peut etre une idee a creuser :

Cela vient du site support de adobe :

11. Set the virtual memory paging file to the default size.

Virtual memory allows the system to use hard disk space to store information normally stored in memory (RAM). Windows XP manages virtual memory using a paging file; you define the minimum and maximum size of this file. If the size is different from the default in Windows XP, applications may return errors. Some applications, however, may require a nondefault size for the paging file, so change the size only if other applications aren't adversely affected.

To set the paging file to the default size:

Note: You must be logged on as an Administrator to change the size of the paging file.

1. Exit from open applications.

2. Choose Start > Control Panel, and then double click System.

3. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings in the Performance section.

4. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Change in the Virtual Memory section.

5. From the Drive list, select a hard drive that has free space equal to at least 1.5 times the amount of the computer's installed RAM. To determine the amount of space available on a drive, click the drive letter; the amount of space available appears in the Paging File Size for Selected Drive section.

6. In the Initial Size text box, enter a value equal to one and a half times the amount of the computer's installed RAM.

7. In the Maximum Size text box, enter the same value you entered for Initial Size.

8. Click Set, and then click OK to close the Virtual Memory dialog box.

9. Click OK when Windows returns the alert "The changes you have made require you to restart your computer . . ."

10. Click OK to close the Performance Options dialog box, and then click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.

11. Click Yes in the System Settings Change dialog box. Windows restarts.
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2003 00:00
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