Voilà toute la procedure à suivre (du début jusqu'à la fin ...) - Trouvé chez SYmantec
Before you begin: This adware may include an uninstallation tool named Miuninst.exe, which is located at C:\Program Files\Micore. We suggest that you first try to uninstall the adware using this file. You may also be able to uninstall it from the Windows Add/Remove Programs applet.
As of this writing, uninstall information is available at http://softbulldog.com./free.html.
The following instructions pertain to all Symantec antivirus products that support Expanded Threat detection.
1. Update the definitions.
2. Run a full system scan.
3. Delete the value that was added to the registry.
For specific details on each of these steps, read the following instructions.
1. To update the definitions
To obtain the most recent definitions, start your Symantec program and run LiveUpdate.
2. To run the scan
1. Start your Symantec antivirus program, and then run a full system scan.
Note: If you ran the Add/Remove programs applet as described in the previous section, all the files may have been removed, and thus none of them will be detected.
2. If any files are detected as Adware.MediaInject, and depending on which software version you are using, you may see one or more of the following options:
Note: This applies only to versions of Norton AntiVirus that support Expanded Threat detection. If you are running a version of Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition that supports Expanded Threat detection, and Expanded Threat detection has been enabled, you will only see a message box that gives the results of the scan. If you have questions in this situation, contact your network administrator.
* Exclude (Not recommended): If you click this button, it will set the threat so that it is no longer detectable. That is, the antivirus program will keep the expanded threat on your computer and will no longer detect it to remove from your computer.
* Ignore or Skip: This option tells the scanner to ignore the threat for this scan only. It will be detected again the next time that you run a scan.
* Cancel: This option is new to Norton Antivirus 2005. It is used when Norton Antivirus 2005 has determined that it cannot delete an expanded threat. This Cancel option tells the scanner to ignore the threat for this scan only, and thus, the threat will be detected again the next time that you run a scan.
To actually delete the expanded threat:
o Click its file name (under the Filename column).
o In the Item Information box that displays, write down the full path and file name.
o Then use Windows Explorer to locate and delete the file.
If Windows reports that it cannot delete the file, this indicates that the file is in use. In this situation, complete the rest of the instructions on this page, restart the computer in Safe mode, and then delete the file using Windows Explorer.
* Delete: This option will attempt to delete the detected files. In some cases, the scanner will not be able to do this.
o If you see a message, "Delete Failed" (or similar message), manually delete the file.
o Click the file name of the threat that is under the Filename column.
o In the Item Information box that displays, write down the full path and file name.
o Then use Windows Explorer to locate and delete the file.
If Windows reports that it cannot delete the file, this indicates that the file is in use. In this situation, complete the rest of the instructions on this page, restart the computer in Safe mode, and then delete the file using Windows Explorer.
3. To delete the value from the registry
Important: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified keys only. Read the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry," for instructions.
1. Click Start > Run.
2. Type regedit
Then click OK.
3. Navigate to the key:
4. In the right pane, delete the value:
"micore"="C:\Program Files\micore\runc.exe"
5. Exit the Registry Editor.