SNort + ipcop 1.3

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Messagepar grosbedos » 23 Avr 2003 10:05

bon ben voila.. <BR> <BR>snort demarre presque, je vous laisse voir les logs:(bien entendu ce n'est pas moi qui kill le <BR> <BR>Running in IDS mode <BR>Log directory = /var/log/snort <BR> <BR>Initializing Network Interface ppp0 <BR> <BR> --== Initializing Snort ==-- <BR>Rule application order changed to Pass->Alert->Log <BR>Initializing Output Plugins! <BR>Decoding raw data on interface ppp0 <BR>There's no second layer header available for this datalink <BR>Initializing Preprocessors! <BR>Initializing Plug-ins! <BR>Parsing Rules file /etc/snort/snort.conf <BR> <BR>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <BR>Initializing rule chains... <BR>[*] Frag2 config: <BR> Fragment timeout: 60 seconds <BR> Fragment memory cap: 2097152 bytes <BR> Fragment min_ttl: 0 <BR> Fragment ttl_limit: 5 <BR> Fragment Problems: 0 <BR> State Protection: 0 <BR> Self preservation threshold: 500 <BR> Self preservation period: 90 <BR> Suspend threshold: 1000 <BR> Suspend period: 30 <BR>Stream4 config: <BR> Stateful inspection: ACTIVE <BR> Session statistics: INACTIVE <BR> Session timeout: 30 seconds <BR> Session memory cap: 2097152 bytes <BR> State alerts: INACTIVE <BR> Evasion alerts: INACTIVE <BR> Scan alerts: ACTIVE <BR> Log Flushed Streams: INACTIVE <BR> MinTTL: 1 <BR> TTL Limit: 5 <BR> Async Link: 0 <BR> State Protection: 0 <BR> Self preservation threshold: 50 <BR> Self preservation period: 90 <BR> Suspend threshold: 200 <BR> Suspend period: 30 <BR>Stream4_reassemble config: <BR> Server reassembly: INACTIVE <BR> Client reassembly: ACTIVE <BR> Reassembler alerts: INACTIVE <BR> Ports: 21 23 25 53 80 110 111 143 513 1433 <BR> Emergency Ports: 21 23 25 53 80 110 111 143 513 1433 <BR>http_decode arguments: <BR> Unicode decoding <BR> IIS alternate Unicode decoding <BR> IIS double encoding vuln <BR> Flip backslash to slash <BR> Include additional whitespace separators <BR> Ports to decode http on: 80 <BR>rpc_decode arguments: <BR> Ports to decode RPC on: 111 32771 <BR> alert_fragments: INACTIVE <BR> alert_large_fragments: ACTIVE <BR> alert_incomplete: ACTIVE <BR> alert_multiple_requests: ACTIVE <BR>telnet_decode arguments: <BR> Ports to decode telnet on: 21 23 25 119 <BR>Conversation Config: <BR> KeepStats: 0 <BR> Conv Count: 3000 <BR> Timeout : 60 <BR> Alert Odd?: 0 <BR> Allowed IP Protocols: All <BR> <BR>Portscan2 config: <BR> log: /var/log/snort/scan.log <BR> scanners_max: 256 <BR> targets_max: 1024 <BR> target_limit: 5 <BR> port_limit: 20 <BR> timeout: 60 <BR>1331 Snort rules read... <BR>1331 Option Chains linked into 149 Chain Headers <BR>0 Dynamic rules <BR>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <BR> <BR>Rule application order: ->pass->activation->dynamic->alert->log <BR> <BR> --== Initialization Complete ==-- <BR> <BR>-*> Snort! <*- <BR>Version 2.0.0 (Build 72) <BR>By Martin Roesch (, <!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!-- BBCode auto-link end -->) <BR>Killed <BR>
Pour retrouver une aiguille dans une botte de foin, il suffit d'y mettre le feu puis de fouiller les cendres avec un aimant. Bernard Werber
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Messages: 1493
Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2002 00:00

Messagepar grosbedos » 23 Avr 2003 10:12

oui ben j'ai trouver snif... <BR> <BR>Apr 23 09:19:57 ipcop kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 8328 (snort) <BR> <BR>et oui..noyau 2.4..snort 2 <BR> <BR>mes 16Meg de 70ms suffisent plus.... <BR> <BR>si j'enleve tty2 me semble que je peux en libérer, non?? <BR> <BR>y a t-il d'autre moyen??
Pour retrouver une aiguille dans une botte de foin, il suffit d'y mettre le feu puis de fouiller les cendres avec un aimant. Bernard Werber
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages: 1493
Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2002 00:00

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