[Résolu]Problème de configuration réseau avec passerelle

Forum traitant de la distribution ClarkConnect. ClarkConnect est une distribution Linux destiné à transformer un simple PC en un routeur/firewall avec certaines fonctions de serveur internet (Web,Mail,FTP....).

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[Résolu]Problème de configuration réseau avec passerelle

Messagepar The Transporter » 19 Déc 2005 21:56


J'ai testé la distribution ClarkConnect Home Edition aujourd'hui et je n'ai pas su l'intégrer dans notre réseau au bureau à des fins de test pour l'implémenter dans l'école (voir mon post précédent...)

Voici le schéma simplifié de notre réseau:

Ma machine utilise l'adresse ip et tel qu'il est là, il m'est impossible de pinger l'interface de la machine ClarkConnect...

Est ce que je dois mettre la machine IpCop et la deuxième interface de ClarkConnect dans un réseau différent ?

J'ai aussi activé le DHCP sur ClarkConnect, mais il n'a pas l'air de fonctionner... c'est vraiment bizarre, ca ne m'a pas l'air très fiable cette distribution,... par contre l'interface Web est très jolie... mais qu'est ce qu'elle est lente!!!

Bonne soirée ;)
Dernière édition par The Transporter le 20 Déc 2005 21:58, édité 1 fois au total.
The Transporter
Messages: 62
Inscrit le: 13 Oct 2005 10:11
Localisation: Belgique > Hainaut > Mons

Messagepar The Transporter » 19 Déc 2005 23:59

Voici le résultat de la discussion IRC sur le channel de ClarkConnect sur le réseau Quakenet avec un type bien sympa...

22:32 < [_Pol_]> guys, here is my network at office: http://img420.imageshack.us/my.php?image=g32138ot.png
22:32 < [_Pol_]> is it normal that I cannot ping the clarkconnect ? Not even configure it via webinterface?
22:38 <@OceriAFK> lemme see
22:39 <@OceriAFK> no, you should be
22:39 <@OceriAFK> but are these IP's the real IP's of all systems
22:39 < [_Pol_]> I have posted a message on a french forum, but no responce yet
22:39 <@OceriAFK> or are these the IP's you want them to have
22:39 < [_Pol_]> http://forums.fr.ixus.net/viewtopic.php?t=30916
22:39 < [_Pol_]> yes
22:39 < [_Pol_]> this is the real ip
22:40 < [_Pol_]> The question I was thinking is:
22:40 <@OceriAFK> which is the DHCP server?
22:40 < [_Pol_]> Must I put the ipcop and CC in a different network ?
22:40 <@OceriAFK> the modem, the IPCOP firewall or the CC box?
22:40 < [_Pol_]> OceriAFK: dhcp is CC
22:40 < [_Pol_]> aat least, I disable it from ipcop and enable it in CC but it don't work :(
22:41 <@OceriAFK> which version are you using, CC 3.1 or 3.2?
22:41 < [_Pol_]> latest
22:41 < [_Pol_]> I burned it yesterday
2:41 < [_Pol_]> is there problem with the dhcp ?
22:41 <@OceriAFK> no, :)
22:41 < [_Pol_]> ok...
22:41 <@OceriAFK> can you reach out to the internet from the clients?
22:42 <@OceriAFK> in other words, can you browse the web with
22:42 < [_Pol_]> no :(
22:43 < [_Pol_]> It seems that there is a problem with the gateway CC
22:43 < [_Pol_]> I passed the whole day today ...
22:43 <@OceriAFK> well
22:44 <@OceriAFK> can you ping www.cnn.com from the CC box itself?
22:44 < [_Pol_]> dude, It was @ work ;)
22:44 < [_Pol_]> now i'm at home, but I know that I couldn't sleep if I don't make it work tomorow :)
22:44 < [_Pol_]> so tomorrow I'll reconnect here from work
22:44 < [_Pol_]> and I'll do my test live :)
22:45 <@OceriAFK> tomorrow I wont be here until about 8 pm
22:45 <@OceriAFK> here is what you do
22:45 < [_Pol_]> ok I listen :)
22:45 < [_Pol_]> and wrote down
22:45 <@OceriAFK> if you can't ping the web from your CC box, try swapping the cables
22:46 <@OceriAFK> I mean the cables to the IPCOP box and the switch on hte CC boc
22:46 <@OceriAFK> then renew all licences
22:46 < [_Pol_]> i'm using the home version
22:46 < [_Pol_]> is there license ?
22:46 <@OceriAFK> now try to ping the internet again from the CC box
22:46 <@OceriAFK> the leases
22:46 <@OceriAFK> sorry
22:46 < [_Pol_]> I can't even get an ip !
22:47 < [_Pol_]> I'm using a gentoo workstation
22:47 < [_Pol_]> my eth0 is in dhcp
22:47 <@OceriAFK> that is because I think you have connected the WAN interface to the switch
22:47 < Morte> I got some ip's. Wanna have 1?
22:47 <@OceriAFK> no
22:47 < [_Pol_]> ah ok OceriAFK ...
22:47 < [_Pol_]> so, the first interface is LAN and the second to ipcop is WAN ?
22:48 <@OceriAFK> well, that should be
22:48 <@OceriAFK> but I think it is the other way around
22:48 < [_Pol_]> or both LAN ?
22:48 <@OceriAFK> no, I think your WAN is connected to he Siwtch
22:48 <@OceriAFK> and the LAN to your IPCOP box
22:48 <@OceriAFK> and it should be the other way around
22:48 <@OceriAFK> so swap cables
22:48 < [_Pol_]> yes of course
22:48 < [_Pol_]> yes yes
22:48 <@OceriAFK> and reboot
22:48 < [_Pol_]> ah ok reboot
22:49 < [_Pol_]> or services network restart
22:49 < [_Pol_]> no ?
22:49 <@OceriAFK> you can try that
22:49 < [_Pol_]> anyway,
22:49 < [_Pol_]> tell me,
22:49 < [_Pol_]> must I use one LAN and one WAN ?
22:49 < [_Pol_]> both are LAN in that case no ?
22:49 <@OceriAFK> no, you can use multiple LAN sections
22:49 <@OceriAFK> you can add more NIC's if you want to
22:50 < [_Pol_]> ok
22:50 -!- OceriAFK is now known as Oceria
22:50 <@Oceria> but first try to get your system running with one nic
22:50 <@Oceria> now
22:50 <@Oceria> It is 22:50
22:50 < [_Pol_]> so, tomorow, I check wich card is wich interface and I check the wire
22:50 <@Oceria> yup
22:51 < [_Pol_]> the LAN must be connected to the switch
22:51 < [_Pol_]> the WAN to the ipcop
22:51 <@Oceria> yup
22:51 <@Oceria> and the WAN to the IPCOP box
22:51 <@Oceria> # uptime
22:51 <@Oceria> 22:50:59 up 57 days, 21:13, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00
22:51 <@Oceria> ohhhh :)
22:52 <@Oceria> uptime spammer :)
22:52 < [_Pol_]> wow
22:52 < [_Pol_]> 22:52:10 up 1 day, 6:16, 3 users, load average: 0.23, 0.30, 0.40
22:52 <@Oceria> :P
22:52 < [_Pol_]> Oceria: if it doesn't work... what can I do ?
22:52 < [_Pol_]> post a msg on the CC forums ?
22:52 <@Oceria> sure
22:53 <@Oceria> tr yto provide as much info as you can
22:53 <@Oceria> settings
22:53 <@Oceria> ip's
22:53 < [_Pol_]> my workstation is using 1 NIC of course, it's the CC box who have 2
22:53 <@Oceria> what you have tried so far and the result
22:53 <@Oceria> I understood from your pic ;)
22:53 < [_Pol_]> ok :)
22:53 <@Oceria> I realy need to go now
22:53 < [_Pol_]> it's self explanitory ;)
22:53 < [_Pol_]> ok many thanks dude
22:53 <@Oceria> My alarm is going off at 5:30 this morning
22:53 < [_Pol_]> i'll stay here ;)
22:53 < [_Pol_]> hooho
22:53 <@Oceria> good luck tomorrow
22:53 < [_Pol_]> courage!
22:53 < [_Pol_]> thanks
22:53 <@Oceria> and do post your results in here ;)
22:54 < [_Pol_]> ok sure!
22:54 < [_Pol_]> ciaoo
22:54 <@Oceria> ;)
22:54 -!- Oceria [~me@Drella.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Quit: Windows isn't unstable, it's just spontaneous. <yukito>]

Voila, je vous tiens au courant de l'état des choses...
The Transporter
Messages: 62
Inscrit le: 13 Oct 2005 10:11
Localisation: Belgique > Hainaut > Mons

Messagepar jdh » 20 Déc 2005 03:08

C'est une question vue et revue sur ce site !

D'un côté et de l'autre de la machine ClarkConnect, il y a le même réseau au sens IP.

Il est clair que, sans "ProxyARP", il n'est pas possible de faire tourner une telle config.
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Messagepar The Transporter » 20 Déc 2005 21:49

Problème résolu

Voici à présent le schéma du réseau:


Il suffisait juste de mettre les 2 adresses ip des cartes réseau de la machine CC dans 2 réseaux différents...

Bonne soirée;)

The Transporter
Messages: 62
Inscrit le: 13 Oct 2005 10:11
Localisation: Belgique > Hainaut > Mons

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