
Forum dédié à la distribution du même nom et que vous pourrez télécharger sur http://www.contribs.org. La nouvelle version de cette distribution se nomme SME Server

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Messagepar nono92 » 08 Déc 2005 21:10

j'ai mis un serveur teamspeak sur mon sme amis personne de l'éxterieur peut y accéder alors que ma freebox redirige bien les ports.
est ce que sme n'a il pas un firewall activé ?
je suis en 7.0 beta 8 et en mode serveur uniquement
Dernière édition par nono92 le 10 Déc 2005 11:20, édité 1 fois au total.
Second Maître
Second Maître
Messages: 29
Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2005 13:24

Messagepar daoud » 08 Déc 2005 22:47

il y a des ports a ouvrir sur sme , avant toute chose puis tu rediriges tes ports !( UDP 8767 je crois )

de ton routeur vers sme !

cherche sur ce forum , je m'etais pris la tete dessus !!

tu auras besoin de port openning et/ou masqmanager , 1 des 2 je crois !

si cela peut t'aider , en anglais mais comprehensible pour des newbies !

After alot of trial and error, and many error messages I decided to write this very small tutorial.

Download the linux server file.

Create a user on your system (I made a user called tss). (This is done on most linux systems by typing the command (adduser nameofuser)
After you create the user with that command type this command to set the password for that user (passwd username)(passwd works on "most" linux systems). You will then be prompted to enter the password for that user twice.

Put the downloaded server file in that users home directory. In linux when you create a user it makes a directory for that user under the /home directory. Therefor our users directory would be /home/tss. This is where we want to put the downloaded server file.

At this point, if you are logged in as root, or ANY OTHER USER other than the user you created who's home directory we will be putting files in, LOG OUT AND LOG IN AS THE USER YOU CREATED! I can't stress this enough. If you are logged in as any other user other than the user who's directory we are working in you will probably have permission problems! If you follow my instructions now you won't have to mess with any permission issues! I had tons of permission problems at this point by not being logged in as the user who's directory I was in and that caused all kinds of errors. I deleted everything and did it again in the order I am giving you and everything went smooth as glass.

Next we want to unzip/uncompress/expand (whatever you wanna call it) the file we downloaded and put in that directory with this command. {tar -kvf} Just type the command inside the {} not the {} themselves. (Once again, this command was done on a Fedora Core 1 system, so the command for your system may be different)

Ok, now we have a directory called tss2_rc2.

Now we want to look inside that directory so type {cd tss2_rc2} and then type {ls}.

You will see a file called teamspeak2-server_startscript

In order to start our server we need to type {./teamspeak2-server_startscript start} DONT FORGET THE ./ at the beggining of the command.

As im a semi noob myself, if you get any error messages at this point, please search these messageboards using the error message as your search text. I have no doubt you will find a solution to your problem.

At this point your server should have started and should be running.

Now, we need to know how to start setting things up. First thing we need to find out are the passwords for the superadmin and admin account.

If you look in the tss2_rc2 directory you will see a file named server.log

This is the file that contains the passwords for both the superadmin and admin accounts. I am using fedora core 1 and I use the text editor jpico to look at text files (you will have to figure out how to use a text editor to view the file on your own). So I issue the command {jpico server.log} and a window opens and I see a line in the middle that looks like......

blablablabla admin account info: username: admin password: rrr666

and another line

blablablabla superadmin account info: username: superadmin password: aaa999

(the passwords generated are completely random so don't assume a pattern from my examples)

Now you have the admin and superadmin passwords.

Now for the cool part. The TS server has its own built in mini webserver. In order to access it we need to type in http://yourservernameorIPhere.com:14534

This is when things get kind of weird.

You will see a page that asks for your login name and password. This is actually JUST THE ADMIN login page. So obviously the username is just {admin}. And the password is the password you already got from server.log for the user admin.

One quick note, and please pay attention. In order to login as the superadmin, you need to click a link UNDER the login information on the page we are on! The link says SuperAdmin login. This is where you login as the superadmin. You cannot login as superadmin from the regular "admin" page and you can't login as admin from the superadmin page, so don't forget that link on the admin login page. Its how you get to the page where you can login as superadmin. I should also note here that I had a problem. I don't remember if I was trying to login as admin or superadmin, but at one point trying to login it wouldn't accept the password I got from server.log, and I was copying and pasting from the server.log file, so I don't know if there is a bug in the program or if something else goofy was going on. Either way, if the password in server.log won't let you in, delete the tss2_rc2 directory and start over from the beginning. It doesn't take that long and it solved my problem. Just giving you real world advice from what I actually went through.

As a noob myself, my best guess is that the {admin} account controls one server and the {superadmin} account is used to create servers. Of course the superadmin can do anything the admin can do.

Ok last, if you look in the tss2_rc2 directory you will see 3 files that have been created since you started the server. server.db, server.ini, and server.log

server.log is the log file for the TS2 server. server.db is the databse file, and server.ini is the configuration file for the server.

Don't mess with server.db, mess with server.ini all you want (its pretty self explanatory) and server.log is just for information.

Ok, well thats the end of the tutorial. I had to spend about 3 hours digging on the web to get this knowledge so I figured I would put my experiences together so someone else could get a TS server up and running in a few minutes. Obviously this doesn't cover everything, but it should be good enough on most linux systems for you to have a TS server up and running and ready to configure and mess around with in 10 minutes.

Please post any suggestions you have, especially points where I wasn't clear!
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2004 10:16
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Messagepar nono92 » 08 Déc 2005 23:10

je comprends pas bien l'angmais alors la ^^
bon alors en gros je recupere un des rpm et aprés je fais koi ?
Second Maître
Second Maître
Messages: 29
Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2005 13:24

Messagepar daoud » 09 Déc 2005 00:36

Download the linux server file
tu telecharge le fichier teamspeak ( winrar pour serveur ) sur le site de teamspeak , et comme tu y est prends celui coté client pour windows !

et tu dézippes le fichier serveur sur ton pc linux !cela va te creer un repertoire " tss2 ", et là tu continue le truc !

au pire sur le site de teamspeak, tu peux chercher dans le forum french ! y a totu ce qui faut !
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2004 10:16
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Messagepar nono92 » 09 Déc 2005 12:35

Sa je c'est
j'ai deja installé 20 serveur ts sur linux
mais comment ouvrir les ports de sme ?
Second Maître
Second Maître
Messages: 29
Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2005 13:24

Messagepar daoud » 10 Déc 2005 03:07


Evite d'ouvrir plusieurs posts cela n'avancera pas les réponses...

regarde ici : http://forum.goteamspeak.com/forumdisplay.php?s=2ae17c183cdc9000026f9a64a70956d9&f=46

tout y est !

Pour ouvrir un port utilise la contrib port openning sur sme !

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Messages: 628
Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2004 10:16
Localisation: paris

Messagepar nono92 » 10 Déc 2005 11:20

c ok c'est reglé
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Second Maître
Messages: 29
Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2005 13:24

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