pb backup free eos

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pb backup free eos

Messagepar trei » 10 Nov 2005 20:09


j'utilise la distrib free eos 1.3-2 sur vmware

j'ai un serieu probleme de backup sur poste de travail depuis quelques jours.

une partie du fichier de sauvegarde se cree dans tmp_dir mais arrive a une certaine taille environ 9 Mo
la sauvegarde s'arrete.

je recois un email d'erreur :

Backup started at Thu Nov 10 17:36:01 2005
Backup of mysql databases started
Backup of mysql databases finished
Mounting backup shared directory //vm/sauv
Backup shared directory mounted on /mnt/smb
Using set number 0 of 1
Making full backup
Backup base file name is full-20051110
Making backup on distant temporary dir...
*** Error during backup ***
Error while using dar command "/usr/bin/dar -c /mnt/smb/tmp_dir/full-20051110 " :

No terminal found for user interaction. All questions will abort the program.
Reading config file: /root/.darrc
Reading config file: /etc/darrc
-wa is only useful with -x option

bzip2/libbzip2: internal error number 1007.
This is a bug in bzip2/libbzip2, 1.0.2, 30-Dec-2001.
Please report it to me at: jseward@acm.org. If this happened
when you were using some program which uses libbzip2 as a
component, you should also report this bug to the author(s)
of that program. Please make an effort to report this bug;
timely and accurate bug reports eventually lead to higher
quality software. Thanks. Julian Seward, 30 December 2001.

*** A special note about internal error number 1007 ***

Experience suggests that a common cause of i.e. 1007
is unreliable memory or other hardware. The 1007 assertion
just happens to cross-check the results of huge numbers of
memory reads/writes, and so acts (unintendedly) as a stress
test of your memory system.

I suggest the following: try compressing the file again,
possibly monitoring progress in detail with the -vv flag.

* If the error cannot be reproduced, and/or happens at different
points in compression, you may have a flaky memory system.
Try a memory-test program. I have used Memtest86
(www.memtest86.com). At the time of writing it is free (GPLd).
Memtest86 tests memory much more thorougly than your BIOSs
power-on test, and may find failures that the BIOS doesn't.

* If the error can be repeatably reproduced, this is a bug in
bzip2, and I would very much like to hear about it. Please
let me know, and, ideally, save a copy of the file causing the
problem -- without which I will be unable to investigate it.

Error while using dar command "/usr/bin/dar -c /mnt/smb/tmp_dir/full-20051110

j'ai effectue un e2fsck -s /dev/sda6
un mentest mais rien n'y fait.

d'autre part j'ai un autre serveur free eos qui tourne en guise de serveur test.
et sur celui la aucun pb.

si quelqu'un a une idee et surtout une solution ^^
Messages: 4
Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2005 19:01

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