Nouvelle version 1.3.1 alpha 5

Forum traitant de la distribution sécurisée montante nommée IP cop et basée sur la distribution Smoothwall. C'est à l'heure actuelle le forum le plus actif du site.

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Messagepar bisol » 31 Août 2003 14:19

Recu de la ML Devel : <BR> <BR><!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-2>En réponse à:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-2><BLOCKQUOTE> <BR>As Mark is away on vacation I'll announce the new alpha5 snapshot ready <BR>for testing..... For the brave of heart the changes are listed below. But <BR>believe me there are more new features to come before we go into the beta <BR>stage. <BR> <BR>Mark is back in a couple of weeks, in which we'll buckle down to the <BR>1.3.1beta series and get it out the door. <BR> <BR>The MD5 sums are:- <BR> <BR>86768bb6136902ed93419521d06946a7 ipcop-1.3.1alpha5.iso <BR>0732e89a84b8c0ac055e0d1083e2d071 ipcop-1.3.1alpha5.tar.gz <BR> <BR>And they are available as ever from <BR> <BR><!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!-- BBCode auto-link end --> <BR> <BR>Changes include.... <BR> <BR>* SNORT is now available for all interfaces, and is now supporting the <BR> ability to download new snort rulesets through the GUI. <BR> <BR>* The NTP setup (time) in the system page now includes an 'instant update' <BR> feature as well as client support for local clients to obtain their time <BR> from IPCop. <BR> <BR>* SYSLOGD support ! This allows logging to a remote server with syslogd. <BR> <BR>* Integrated logwatch summaries, with alterations to the log page. <BR> <BR>* Web Backup - Create, download, upload, and restore configuration <BR> archives through web interface on the System/Backup tab. Supports <BR> multiple backup sets. The backup floppy functionality remains as is. <BR> <BR>* BLUE Interface (a.k.a Wireless) currently uses an ethernet driver that <BR> expects an access point attached to it. Future work will allow real <BR> wireless <BR> cards and not require an AP, but that work is yet on an unknown schedule. <BR> The 'wireless' setup is done via the services menu and you configure the <BR> allowable devices via MAC address or IP address (or both for added <BR> security). <BR> <BR>* CIPE VPN - CIPE is now a supported VPN tunnel. CIPE is configured under <BR> the VPN section and operates as an IPIP tunnel. CIPE is especially helpful <BR> as it can operate over the BLUE interface and provides added security. <BR> <BR>* Edit Hosts - It's now possible for IPCop to add entries into the <BR> /etc/hosts file via this. Accessible via the services section you can <BR> add hosts and domainnames to it. The additional bonus is that DHCP uses <BR> these hostnames too if it matches the IP address. <BR> <BR>* DHCP - now allows a 'next server' address and 'filename' so that IPCop <BR> can provide additional information to a DHCP client that enables <BR> remoteboot. The 'next server' address is a TFTP server, and the 'filename' <BR> is the boot filename for the client. <BR> <BR>* IPCop's BOOT disk is now generated with SYSLINUX rather than LILO so that <BR> more space is available on the boot disk. So with this change the boot <BR> disk is now an MSDOS filesystem. This now integrates the usbfd image, so <BR> there's now only one boot disk for all floppy drives. <BR> <BR>* Some more of IPCop's CGI scripts are now using the port forwarding idea of <BR> icons to represent enabled/disabled, edit, and remove functionality. This <BR> will present a more consistent interface. <BR> <BR>KNOWN BUGS <BR> <BR>1. There's a bug in dhcp.cgi that's preventing the settings being saved <BR> correctly. (Fixed in CVS). <BR> <BR>2. The ownership of /home/httpd/html/backup/ directory on the iso is wrong, <BR> and needs to be nobody:nobody to allow the Web Backup feature to work. <BR> (Fixed in CVS). <BR> <BR>3. DHCP in red interface is broken. You need to untaint </etc/dhcpc/*.info> <BR> before passing it to unlink. (Fixed in CVS). <BR> <BR>4. Bug in logs.cgi/summary.dat <BR> <BR>Thanks to Gilles Espinasse, Alan Hourihane, Tim Butterfield and Robert Kerr <BR>for their help in the preparation of this announcement. <BR> <BR>Regards. <BR> <BR>Eric <BR> </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
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Messagepar Gesp » 31 Août 2003 14:32

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