par foobar47 » 03 Oct 2006 16:32
Copfilter Features
Email Scanning:
* Virus and Spam scanning of incoming POP3 emails
* Virus and Spam scanning of incoming and outgoing SMTP emails
* Attachment scanning by renaming dangerous attachments (.pif .vbs ..) from email messages
* Adds a note to every email header indicating that the email was scanned
* Email discarding and/or quarantining, depending on a predefined
spam score level or if a virus was found
Internet traffic Scanning
* Virus scanning of HTTP traffic, with no "trickle" effect, but continuous, non-blocking downloads
* Blocks most Phishing and browser exploited websites
* Virus scanning of FTP traffic, with "trickle effect", a download delay is noticeable
(file gets downloaded and scanned in the background, while browser
only receives a few bytes until complete file has been scanned)
* Removes ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk from HTTP Traffic
* All services work transparently, no re-configuration on any client is necessary !!
* Highly configurable, scanning can be turned on or off for every attached network
* Any type of email client (Outlook,Thunderbird,Evolution,..) on any OS (Win32,Linux,MacOS,..) can be used
* (RED) IP Alias support for mail server MX entries other than the default assigned ip address
* Allow incoming email only from one ip address (example: ISP mail server)