Voilà mon nouveau problème…
Modem Bewan ST / firmware A988 fonctionnant en PPPoE, IPCop 1.4.6 > RED en dhcp…
Au moment du changement d'adresse IP par mon FAI, IPCop reste fixé sur l'ancienne adresse … J'ai essayé déconnexion/reconnexion par l'interface, pareil. Solution pour l'instant: reboot !
J'ai reprovoqué le pb. en débranchant puis rebranchant mon modem, voici les logs de RED (mode debug):
--- Pour l'instant, ça marche, xxx.old.ip.xxx m'est attribuée par le FAI ---
10:36:38 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:36:38 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:37:23 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:37:23 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:37:23 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:38:08 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
--- Modem débranché, puis rebranché > changement d'adresse IP par le FAI ---
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] dhcpT1value is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming 120 sec
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] dhcpT2value is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming 210 sec
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_NAK server response received
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] broadcasting DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:38:37 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:39:22 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:39:22 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:39:22 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] dhcpT1value is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming 120 sec
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] dhcpT2value is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming 210 sec
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_NAK server response received
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] broadcasting DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:40:07 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:40:52 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:40:52 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:40:52 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:41:37 dhcpcd[579] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:41:37 dhcpcd[579] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:41:37 dhcpcd[579] DHCP_ACK received from (
(et ainsi de suite, ces3 lignes se répètent, pas de connexion de Green > Web !)
--- Déconnexion – reconnexion par interface IPCop ---
10:47:26 dhcpcd[579] terminating on signal 15
10:48:16 kernel: eth1: Setting 3c5x9/3c5x9B half-duplex mode if_port: 0, sw_info 9321
10:48:16 kernel: eth1 Setting Rx mode to 0 addresses.
10:48:16 kernel: eth1 Setting Rx mode to 1 addresses.
10:48:16 dhcpcd[21345] broadcasting DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx
10:48:20 dhcpcd[21345] broadcastAddr option is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming xxx.NEW.IP.xxx
10:48:20 dhcpcd[21345] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:48:20 dhcpcd[21345] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:49:05 dhcpcd[21347] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:49:05 dhcpcd[21347] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:49:05 dhcpcd[21347] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:49:50 dhcpcd[21347] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:49:50 dhcpcd[21347] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:49:50 dhcpcd[21347] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:50:35 dhcpcd[21347] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.old.ip.xxx to
10:50:35 dhcpcd[21347] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:50:35 dhcpcd[21347] DHCP_ACK received from (
--- Reboot de l'IPCop ---
10:50:50 dhcpcd[21347] terminating on signal 15
10:52:09 kernel: eth1 3c5x9 at 0x300, 10baseT port, address 00 20 af be 33 ea, IRQ 9.
10:52:09 kernel: eth2 NE2000 found at 0x240, using IRQ 10.
10:52:16 kernel: eth1: Setting 3c5x9/3c5x9B half-duplex mode if_port: 0, sw_info 9321
10:52:16 dhcpcd[245] broadcasting DHCP_DISCOVER
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] dns option is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] broadcastAddr option is missing in DHCP server response. Assuming xxx.NEW.IP.xxx
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] DHCP_OFFER received from (
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] broadcasting DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.NEW.IP.xxx
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:52:20 dhcpcd[245] DHCP_ACK received from (
10:52:20 kernel: eth1 Setting Rx mode to 1 addresses.
10:53:05 dhcpcd[247] sending DHCP_REQUEST for xxx.NEW.IP.xxx to
10:53:05 dhcpcd[247] dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime=240 in DHCP server response.
10:53:05 dhcpcd[247] DHCP_ACK received from (
(ça marche…)
j'imagine que pour que ça fonctionne, il faudrait que la réponse du serveur-modem "DHCP_NAK" entraîne une nouvelle "DHCP_DISCOVER" du client-Ipcop ? mais ceci dépasse ce que je sais comprendre… que se passe-t-il ? Une idée pour contourner ce nouvel écueil ?
(nota: est l'adresse du modem)